Revenue Cycle Management Services

Achieve timely and accurate reimbursement with our revenue cycle optimization services.

Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management Solutions

Optimizing revenue, streamlining operations, and improving patient satisfaction with our healthcare revenue cycle management solutions

Are you struggling with generating revenue and meeting regulatory and reimbursement challenges? GreenSense Billing can help. Our comprehensive RCM services and advanced technology can streamline your billing process and improve your practice’s financial health.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your operational excellence.

Every healthcare provider needs to understand the importance of the financial aspects related to medical billing

This requires a combined approach from physicians, administrators, and front office staff.

Medical Revenue Services to Fit Your Practice's Needs

An Improved Primary And Core Processes

Today's modern practices cannot lead to improved RCM processes and medical billing together if they do not include the primary and core processes such as:

Our Goal for Medical Revenue

Our goal is to provide convenience and control over the financial aspects of your medical practice, so you can focus on your patients and increase revenue. We aim to help you save time and work more efficiently by streamlining these processes.

At GreenSense Billing, we offer comprehensive medical revenue services that include front-office tasks, clinical notes, patient engagement solutions, and medical billing solutions.

The Role of RCM in Medical Billing

GreenSense Billing offers revenue cycle management (RCM) and medical billing services to healthcare providers and practice owners. Our RCM process is a comprehensive financial process that utilizes advanced medical billing software and patient engagement solutions to manage all aspects of Billing and reimbursement. This process begins when a patient is registered and continues until the final bill is paid. By utilizing our RCM services, healthcare providers can streamline their financial operations, improve cash flow, and increase revenue.

Revenue Cycle Management Services and Patient Engagement Solutions

Patient engagement solutions are tools and technologies designed to improve communication and interaction between patients and healthcare providers.

The implementation and use of patient engagement solutions involves a series of complex processes that must be followed in a specific order.

  • Patient Registration

    Ensuring patient eligibility and valid insurance coverage before appointment scheduling or during patient registration

  • Collection of Co-Payments and reviewing financial balance

    Collecting co-payments from the patient at the time of service including amount not covered by insurance

  • Medical Record Documentation

    Reviewing or updating patient’s medical records and any kind of documentation for verification eligibility

  • Claims Submissions

    Creating claims related to treatment for medical billing, validating and submitting the claims electronically, either to the insurance payer or to a clearinghouse

  • Reviewing, Validating and Correcting Submitted Claims

    Reviewing all claims and determining whether they need to be corrected or resubmitted. This also includes reviewing all the necessary documentation

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  • Follow-Ups

    Following up with the insurance payer on submitted claims, verifying if the claim was accepted or rejected. Crosschecking and updating status with clearinghouse

  • Data Analytics

    Review and covert financial data analytics into meaningful data and insights. This shows the practice’s performance in terms of revenue generation and how to improve financial operations in terms of collections, A/R management and claims processing and resolution.

  • Payment Appeals

    If a payment is not collected during a patients visit then reminders are sent to the patient for payment

  • Collecting Payments

    Collecting payments from the patients either by mobile or online payments

  • Creating Patient Statements Or Payment Posting

    Sending an electronic bill to the patient which includes his/her demographic details, owed amount, date of the procedure and transaction descriptions

  • Rejection Processing

    Further processes are done to resubmit the claims by rectifying the errors and resolving them

  • Patient Registration

    Ensuring patient eligibility and valid insurance coverage before appointment scheduling or during patient registration

  • Collection of Co-Payments and reviewing financial balance

    Collecting co-payments from the patient at the time of service, including the amount not covered by insurance. This is done through our patient collection services.

  • Medical Record Documentation

    Reviewing or updating patients' medical records and any documentation for eligibility verification.

  • Claims Submissions

    Creating claims related to treatment for medical billing, validating, and submitting the claims electronically to the insurance payer or a clearinghouse.

  • Reviewing, Validating and Correcting Submitted Claims

    Reviewing all claims and determining whether they need to be corrected or resubmitted. This also includes reviewing all the necessary documentation.

  • Follow-Ups

    Follow up with the insurance payer on submitted claims and verify if the claim was accepted or rejected. Crosschecking and updating the status with the clearinghouse.

  • Rejection Processing

    Further processes are done to resubmit the claims by rectifying the errors and resolving them.

  • Creating Patient Statements Or Payment Posting

    Sending an electronic bill to the patient includes their demographic details, owed amount, date of the procedure, and transaction descriptions.

  • Collecting Payments

    Collecting payments from the patients either by mobile or online payments.

  • Payment Appeals

    If payment is not collected during a patient's visit, then reminders are sent to the patient for payment.

  • Data Analytics

    Review and convert financial data analytics into meaningful data and insights. Through revenue cycle management, the practice's performance in revenue generation is evaluated, and how to improve financial operations in collections, A/R management, and claims processing and resolution.

By outsourcing revenue cycle management, healthcare organizations can save time and resources, allowing them to focus on their core competencies